Physical activity and sports are an important part of a student at Pacific Beach Middle. All PBMS sponsored onsite activities are FREE of charge. Families, organizations and local businesses can support our physical activities through involvement in our parent organization fundraisers. Visit. to donate to our school programs.
***Students must maintain acceptable academic performance and behavior to be able to participate in lunch and afterschool activities***
During lunch-time the following co-ed activities may take place:
- 5 v 5 flag football (1st season)
- 5 v 5 futsal (2nd season)
- 9 v 9 soccer and baseball (3rd season)
Students create their own team. At the end of each season, the team that wins the championship is displayed on the wall of fame in the locker room.
Depending on interest and scheduling activities may include:
- Boys/Girls flag football (Typically Scheduled in September)
Boys/Girls soccer (TBD)
- Girls/Boys basketball (TBD)
Be sure to sign-up for the weekly FOPBSS eBlasts and watch the video bulletin to know if and when an activity is scheduled.
Activities and sports are events that will help student's aspire to be risk-takers, communicators, caring, open-minded, balanced, inquirers, reflective, knowledgeable, and thinkers.
If you need further information please contact Mr. Gildehaus at [email protected]